Previous Shortlists & Winners

The New Media Writing Prize has been running since 2010. Here is an archive of all our winners and shortlisted entries.

The Gorani

The Gorani

Jakub Górnicki, Agnieszka Wanat, Piotr Kliks, Arkadiusz Sołdon
Land of plenty, Land of but a Few

Land of plenty, Land of but a Few

Diogo Cardoso, Sofia da Palma Rodrigues, Emma Lesuis and Boaventura Monjane
Deep Breath

Deep Breath

Honorata Zapaśnik, Piotr Kliks, Arkadiusz Sołdon
Victoria Park Found Dead at 45

Victoria Park Found Dead at 45

Sarah Boudreau, Dashiel Carrera, Mirna Palacio Ornelas and Annie Raab

Note that some entries may no longer be available due to changes in technology and website hosting provision. An extensive archive of the New Media Writing Prize shortlists and winners is available at the British Library