Digital Literature for Social Good Unconference

14-15 May 2024 – 100% Virtual (Zoom)

You are cordially invited to contribute to our second annual New Media Writing Prize Unconference. This two-day creative and critical participant-directed Unconference is hosted by Bournemouth University (UK) in partnership with the Electronic Literature Organization and the British Library. The Unconference will culminate in the awards evening for the New Media Writing Prize on 15 May 2024.

Unconference Theme: Inclusivity

Tech and literature have often been realms of exclusivity, in terms of access, literacy, language, quality, culture, economics, and more. How can we open our realm, new media writing and electronic literature, so that it reverses this trend? How do we break down gatekeeping barriers, and actively embrace and encourage all people, approaches, cultures, abilities, and viewpoints?


We are aiming to keep costs low, since the event is fully digital and supported by institutions with relevant structures (e.g., Zoom). Fees are intended to contribute to maintenance of the NMWP website, hosting video archives of the event, creating a web gallery of works, as well as accessibility technology expenses (primarily live captioning and extended functionalities on Zoom). As an ELO-sponsored event, membership fees will also be required for participants and attendees (good for the entire year!)

  • ELO membership fee at approved membership levels (all participants): US$50 for faculty; US$25 for students/artists/precarious


  • Contributor (named and listed in program): US$90 for salaried academics and professionals; US$60 for students/precariously employed professionals; OR
  • Participant: US$30

Any fees collected in excess of Unconference costs will contribute to the New Media Writing Prize: Social Good category.

Unconference fee bursaries are available in exchange for assistance with unconference tasks.

Unconference Noncommittee

The following folks came up with these shenanigans, and will be at least partially responsible for the chaos that ensues:

  • Symposium/Academic Chair: R. Lyle Skains
  • Artistic Chair and Accessibility Coordinator: Deena Larsen
  • Tech Chair: Ken Alba

The Unconference Noncommittee are committed to the ELO Code of Conduct, and will conduct all activities in alignment with these values.