Enigma n^2022 is a philosophical music & poetry toy for poets, musicians & philosophers from the age of 7 up. Click the background until it’s all funky–or press and hold for zipFunk. Then explore the concept. View six background colors to complete one revolution.
Enigma n^2022 is a hybrid, interactive work of granular synthesis (a type of electronic music) + colour music (the vertical stripes) + digital poetry. The digital poetry dimension is multiple. Mouseover the controls repeatedly to discover multiple poetical descriptions of each control. Also, concerning digital poetry, there’s the audio of the word “meaning”, and the visual of that. It’s a language thing.
Here’s an essay I wrote about Enigma n^2022. I consider this essay to be an important part of the project: https://vispo.com/writings/essays/Enigman2022.pdf